
Terrance Unce


Who Am I?

That's actually a loaded question. I'm still working on the definitive answer. What I do know is that I am completley caught up in the web! I love developing new and fresh ideas. It’s neat to see something that started from nothing grow into the perfect solution. I want to learn as much as I possibly can. I embrace any opportunity to add a new skill in my developer toolbox. I am a front-end web developer located in Central Texas and I develop web solutions. Currently I develop websites full time for Kasasa. (Do you Kasasa?)

I am more than just a web developer though! I am a proud father and little league football coach...Go Dream Team Cougars! I live in Austin, so it's needless to say I love music...live music especially. Even though I don't step out as much as I used to, I'm definitely no stranger to the night life. I work hard, so I pla...well, you know the rest. (more info about me.......I don't really like clichés.)

Personal Info




Web Developer Extraordinaire

Front-End Guru

When it's all said and done, I want to be a dependable, trustworthy source of knowledge for the web community. I'd like to contribute open source web solutions to help the web maintain it's upward progression. I'd like for people to mention me as a "must follow" for their twitter and rss feeds. After many years of training, I'll one day be ready to fully flex my front-end web muscles for the world to see...and maybe show off my back end a little too!

Expert Web Developer

Expert Web Developer

I am able to build complex web applications from start to finish. My GitHub account is filled with meaningful repositories. I have strong knowledge of the major resources in web development with JavaScript leading the way. Once I reach this point in my career I'll be able to effectively lead a team of other competent developers.

2014 - now
Web Developer

A "Jr." No More!

I have a functional grasp of HTML/CSS/JS. My immediate goal is to be comfortable with advanced concepts in Web Development. I want to be able to build complex web applications from start to finish and fill my currently non-existent GitHub account.


  • As a SWAT Team Front End Developer I work on special projects outside of the normal workflow of our new site launch FEDs and our FEDs that support our current sites.
  • I support our current site base by making client request updates and upgrades.
  • Deliver finished sites that can pass a strict QA checklist with minimal revisions.
  • Problem-solve and fix performance glitches across any browser.
  • Stay current with technology and trends to continuously advance my coding skills.

2012 - 2014
Jr. Web Developer

Hole in the Roof Marketing

  • PSD to HTML/CSS/JavaScript for new websites
  • Maintenance and troubleshooting for existing websites
  • Secondary/Level-2 page design and content structure

2010 - 2012

Texas State Technical College

A.A.S. Web Development and Design (3.6 GPA)

Courses include:

  • HTML5/CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Mobile Web and Responsive Design



If you'd like to stay connected with someone passionate about the web and web standards then I'm your guy. The best way to contact me is by email, but I'm also available on Twitter or Linkedin. To get to my profiles, check out my about.me profile or jump back up to the info section. If you have a question or want to know more, just fill out the quick and simple form below.

So now you know how to find me. The question is will you?